The Work Of Purushottama and the divine soul team members

You stumble up on this webpage because you are highly blessed to loose the darkness within. If you are highly spiritual, by reading all the text here, your ego of the separated wave from the ocean will definitely dance and create churning in you. It will further have ripple effects and through situations you will understand that separated wave ego very soon. If you are non spiritual, you will mostly not understand the language here.  If you are a surrendered devotee who overcame wave-reasoning,  you will bow down, even if your mind does not understand which is personality of the true seeker.

How deeply ever you do your spiritual practices, this presentation of us will appear to be like bragging, which is good for you as the churning in your mind, soul and life will start at this moment, to cut darkness in you. Churning in human consciousness is highly needed at his point of time and space of the world which is the ultimate objective of our mission.

Kalki mission is not a human effort and thousands have realized by this already and yet some of them keep falling in the trap of maya to digest it and they over and over again get pushed into churning by ME!

The owner of the cosmos is walking on the earth, talking, laughing, playing, working and displaying eighteen great qualities of the divine being in the state of yoga and samadhi all time. His divine team soul members who came earlier, when he was there on the earth, have again come down to team up with him to collectively to churn the human consciousness. Their work is unseen and noiseless and it is more powerful in spiritual realm and that work descends down to the physical world to bring required changes in the world. Those changes are being implemented through various chosen and suitable bodies on the earth. In the society, in every field, such bodies are chosen, socially, economically, politically and in all 360 degrees of the human consciousness. Some of those divine actions include even destructive acts, through Nature, for example Covid ! Those who survived it have got transformed and turned towards the divine. Some changed due to fear. Some changed due to devotion. Those who survived Covid would loose their bad karma and their future will be bright in all aspects of life.

With the divine involuntary Manthan kundalini kriya yoga, all divine soul mates of Kalki are working with him continuously and their thought waves are enough to bring changes in the real world.

Though several works of ours, not visible to the human eye, some of our works would be visible in terms of upholding dharma by working towards the divine projects which will awaken devotion, love, peace, forgiveness, selflessness and sacrificing for the welfare of the world, kind of fundamental human qualities.  We do not preach nor set up any yoga ashrams to bring this change, but we as churning whirlpools in the cosmic ocean of consciousness, we bring that change in the ocean.  The mechanisms of it and its operations are quite divine and they can never be understood nor measured by even great spiritualists or gurus. Continue Reading